Kevin Simmons
PDGA#: 93589
Home State: Alabama
Dominant Hand: Right
Aces: 23
Career Highlights
3rd place SNDC
1st place Dependence Doubles
3rd Hub City Open
4th Independence Open
1st Trilogy Challenge
1st Tri-Disc Challenge
1st Circular Skies Over Semmes
1st Alpha Omega Series 2
2nd Flip Side Am Doubles
1st Southside Throwdown
Upcoming Events:
April 1-2: Southern National Doubles Championship April 1 and 2
April 22: Southside Snacks own April 22
May 6-7: City of Mobile (PDGA B-tier)
Review Traveler: Is very dependable and stable. Great for wind, skips, side arms and back hands.
Navigator: is a must have in the bag disc. Nice feel and flight. Also great for flick up-shots.
Passport: is where the money's at! Great putter I use for every single hole. Sometimes for drives, often for up-shots and always for putts. It has a stable flight that will finish left. Express plastic is grippy, durable and recommended.
Drifter: The Drifter is an awesome, all purpose disc. Give it hyzer, anhyzer, or leave it flat because it's great for every option. It quickly occupied 2 spots in my bag. I love the way it feels and flys. Definitely a must have!
Find Me:
Facebook - Kevin Simmons
Instagram - @kmsft11